Answering your questions about PTA

What is the PTA?

The PTA is a group of parents, teachers, and community members who care about our kids and want to make their school year awesome! That’s really it – we’re here for the kids! 

What does the PTA do? 

We would need several sheets of paper to list everything the PTA does! We sponsor family events like the Kindergarten Picnic, 4th Grade Recognition, Family Reading Night, Family Engineering Night, and the Family Dance. 

We enhance the educational experiences of our children by providing assemblies and residencies throughout the year. We purchase software, sports equipment, and help teachers purchase classroom supplies. 

We create the yearbook, run book fairs, and assist in the library and the classrooms. 

Who can join the PTA? 

Anyone! Parents, teachers, staff, grandparents, aunts, uncles… By joining the PTA you are a part of the Pilot Knob community – you get to know the other parents and teachers at school. You have voting rights in the activities the PTA sponsors, and your children see how excited you are about their school. 

If I sign up for the PTA, do I have to work at every event?

You are not required to do anything if you become a PTA member. You’re welcome to come to any PTA meetings, and you can cast your vote for any issues. We’d love to have you help with one or two events, but it is not required. You are not signing your life away by joining PTA! 

If I can’t make the meetings, should I still join the PTA? 

The meetings are a very small part of what the PTA does. We do some of our planning there, but there are many ways for you to give back. You can always contact us at PilotKnobPTA@gmail.com if you want your input heard at a meeting. You can participate by helping at an event or helping with tasks from home. 

Still have questions?

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